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    1. Creating Freedom: The Lottery of Birth (2013)
    2. Baraka (1992)
    3. Slavoj Žižek - The Pervert's Guide to Ideology
    4. Slavoj Žižek - The Pervert's guide to Cinema
    5. Profound Mysteries & Discoveries of the Cosmos
    6. What is the Meaning of Death?
    7. 1984 Tried To Warn You
    8. HUMAN - A film by Yann Arthus-Bertrand
    9. Edward Burtynsky - Manufactured Landscapes
    10. The End of Oil, Explained
    11. The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz (2014)
    12. The Dark Side Of The Silk Road
    13. The End of Oil, Explained
    14. Brave New World vs Nineteen Eighty-Four featuring Adam Gopnik and Will Self
    15. The Corporation
    16. The Coming War on China - John Pilger
    17. Afghanistan: the Great Game (Part I)
    18. Afghanistan: the Great Game (Part II)
    19. Afghanistan - Land of endless war | DW Documentary
    20. The Environmental Disaster that is Fuelled by Used Clothes and Fast Fashion
    21. The Royal Institution - The Physics and Philosophy of Time - with Carlo Rovelli
    22. The Prize Part 1 - Our Plan, Episode 1 of 8
    23. The Prize Part 2 - Empire of Oil, Episode 2 of 8
    24. The Prize Part 3 - The Black Giant, Episode 3 of 8
    25. The Prize Part 4 - War and Oil, Episode 4 of 8
    26. The Prize Part 5 - Crude Diplomat, Episode 5 of 8
    27. The Prize Part 6 - Power to the Producers, Episode 6 of 8
    28. The Prize part 7 - The Tinderbox, 7 of 8
    29. The Prize Part 8 - The New Order of Oil, Episode 8 of 8
    30. Samasara - Food
    31. Scene from Samsara
    32. CHRONOS
    33. Koyaanisqatsi (1982)
    34. Powaqqatsi - Trailer HD
    35. Powaqqatsi (Title Track)---Philip Glass
    36. Nihilist Penguin (Werner Herzog)
    37. LA SOUFRIÈRE - Werner Herzog - 1977
    38. Werner Herzog - Lessons of Darkness
    39. Princes of the Yen
    40. THE SPIDER'S WEB: Britain’s Second Empire
    41. Overdose: The Next Financial Crisis
    42. Flash Crash 2010 | VPRO documentary | 2011
    43. The Wall Street Code | VPRO documentary | 2013
    44. Yanis Varoufakis: “Greece is a mouse being squashed” - BBC Newsnight
    45. And the Weak Suffer What They Must? | Yanis Varoufakis | Talks at Google
    46. Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media
    47. Requiem for the American Dream
    48. Kurt Vonnegut - Shape of Stories (subtitulos castellano)
    49. Kurt Vonnegut - Interview on His Life and Career (1983)
    50. Steven Pinker - Linguistics, Style and Writing in the 21st Century
    51. God Is Not Great | Christopher Hitchens | Talks at Google
    52. Sheldon Solomon: Death and Meaning | Lex Fridman Podcast #117
    53. Grave Matters: The Role of Death in Life - Sheldon Solomon, PhD
    54. Slavoj Zizek: The Reality of the Virtual
    55. Howard Zinn at MIT 2005 - The Myth of American Exceptionalism
    56. Panic: The Untold Story of the 2008 Financial Crisis | Full VICE Special Report | HBO
    57. Enron - The Biggest Fraud in History
    58. Theranos – Silicon Valley’s Greatest Disaster
    59. Putin's palace. History of world's largest bribe
    60. People's History of the US - ch 01) Columbus, The Indians, and Human Progress
    61. People's History of the US - ch 2) Drawing The Color Line
    62. People's History of the US - ch 3) Persons Of Mean And Vile Condition
    63. People's History of the US - ch 4) Tyranny Is Tyranny
    64. People's History of the US - ch 5) A Kind Of Revolution
    65. People's History of the US - ch 6) The Intimately Oppressed
    66. People's History of the US - ch 7) As Long As Grass Grows Or Water Runs
    67. People's History of the US - ch 8) We Take Nothing By Conquest, Thank God
    68. People's History of the US - ch 9) Slavery Without Submission, Emancipation Without Freedom
    69. People's History of the US - ch 10) The Other Civil War
    70. People's History of the US - ch 11) Robber Barons And Rebels
    71. People's History of the US - ch 12) The Empire And The People
    72. People's History of the US - ch 13) The Socialist Challenge
    73. People's History of the US - ch 14) War Is The Health Of The State
    74. People's History of the US - ch 15) Self Help In Hard Times
    75. People's History of the US - ch 16) A Peoples War
    76. People's History of the US - ch 17) Or Does It Explode
    77. People's History of the US - ch 18) The Impossible Victory: Vietnam
    78. People's History of the US - ch 19) Surprises
    79. People's History of the US - ch 20) The Seventies: Under Control?
    80. People's History of the US - ch 21) Carter-Ragan-Bush: The Bipartisan Consensus.
    81. People's History of the US - ch 22) The Unreported Resistance
    82. People's History of the US - ch 23) The Clinton Presidency and the Crisis of Democracy
    83. People's History of the US - ch 24) The 2000 Election and the "War On Terrorism."
    84. People's History of the US - ch 25) The Coming Revolt Of The Guards
    85. 1. Roman Britain - The Work of Giants Crumbled
    86. 2. The Bronze Age Collapse - Mediterranean Apocalypse
    87. 3. The Mayans - Ruins Among the Trees
    88. 4. The Greenland Vikings - Land of the Midnight Sun
    89. 5. The Khmer Empire - Fall of the God Kings
    90. 6. Easter Island - Where Giants Walked
    91. 7. The Songhai Empire - Africa's Age of Gold
    92. 8. The Sumerians - Fall of the First Cities
    93. 9. The Aztecs - A Clash of Worlds (Part 1 of 2)
    94. 9. The Aztecs - A Clash of Worlds (Part 2 of 2)
    95. 10. The Han Dynasty - The First Empire in Flames
    96. 11. Byzantium - Last of the Romans (Part 1 of 2)
    97. Robert Sapolsky - 1. Introduction to Human Behavioral Biology The Reality of the Virtual
    98. Robert Sapolsky - 2. Behavioral Evolution
    99. Robert Sapolsky - 3. Behavioral Evolution II
    100. Robert Sapolsky - 4. Molecular Genetics I
    101. Robert Sapolsky - 5. Molecular Genetics II
    102. Robert Sapolsky - 6. Behavioral Genetics I
    103. Robert Sapolsky - 7. Behavioral Genetics II
    104. Robert Sapolsky - 8. Recognizing Relatives
    105. Robert Sapolsky - 9. Ethology
    106. Robert Sapolsky - 10. Introduction to Neuroscience I
    107. Robert Sapolsky - 11. Introduction to Neuroscience II
    108. Robert Sapolsky - 12. Endocrinology
    109. Robert Sapolsky - 13. Advanced Neurology and Endocrinology
    110. Robert Sapolsky - 14. Limbic System
    111. Robert Sapolsky - 15. Human Sexual Behavior I
    112. Robert Sapolsky - 16. Human Sexual Behavior II
    113. Robert Sapolsky - 17. Human Sexual Behavior III & Aggression I
    114. Robert Sapolsky - 18. Aggression II
    115. Robert Sapolsky - 19. Aggression III
    116. Robert Sapolsky - 20. Aggression IV
    117. Robert Sapolsky - 21. Chaos and Reductionism
    118. Robert Sapolsky - 22. Emergence and Complexity
    119. Robert Sapolsky - 23. Language
    120. Robert Sapolsky - 24. Schizophrenia
    121. Robert Sapolsky - 25. Individual Differences
    122. Robert Sapolsky - Stress, Portrait of a Killer - Full Documentary (2008)
    123. Robert Sapolsky - Stanford's Sapolsky On Depression in U.S. (Full Lecture)
    124. Robert Sapolsky - Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers: Stress and Health
    125. Timeline - The Tombs Of Egypt's Greatest Kings | Immortal Egypt |
    126. Timeline - Who Were The Great Invaders Of Ancient Egypt? | Immortal Egypt
    127. Timeline - Who Were The Queens Of Egypt? | Egypt's Lost Queens
    128. Timeline - Why Did The Egyptians Stop Building Pyramids? | Immortal Egypt
    129. Timeline - The Mystery Of The Sealed Coffin | Mummy Forensics
    130. Michael Moore Presents: Planet of the Humans
    134. 97% Owned: The Cruel Truth Behind Money Credit and Financial Crisis
    135. Inequality for All
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    Scrolls the list down by 20 items at the time
    Scrolls the list all the way to the top
    Scrolls the list all the way to the end
    Generates a complete list of the YouTube links to be used with youtube_dl program.
    Generates a complete list of song names on this page